Jurnal Kebidanan Midwiferia 2024-03-13T01:53:02+00:00 Pengembangan Publikasi Ilmiah Open Journal Systems <p>This journal&nbsp;<strong>Focus</strong>&nbsp;to facilitate scholars, researchers and lecturers to publish articles on&nbsp;<span lang="en">midwifery</span>.</p> <p>Articles to be published on&nbsp;<strong>Midwiferia</strong>&nbsp;should follow the&nbsp;<strong>focus and scope</strong>&nbsp;of this journal. The article must have been edited according to the journal author guidelines before submitting.</p> <p>The&nbsp;<strong>scope</strong>&nbsp;of this journal are :</p> <ol> <li class="show"><span lang="en">Midwifery</span>,&nbsp;<span lang="en">and Maternal and child health</span>.</li> <li class="show"><span lang="en">Infants and toddlers</span>.</li> <li class="show"><span lang="en">Women's reproductive health</span></li> <li class="show"><span lang="en">Family Planning</span></li> </ol> <p>If you have trouble submitting the manuscript. Feel Free to contact&nbsp;<a href=""></a></p> The Effect of Lemon Aromatherapy on Emesis in 1st Trimester Pregnant Women 2023-12-13T06:12:41+00:00 Agni Saila Rizqiah Sri Dinengsih Rini Kundaryanti <p>Pregnant women usually suffer from nausea and vomiting in the first months of pregnancy, Treatment of nausea and vomiting can be done by pharmacological and nonpharmacological methods. Pharmacological therapy can be done by giving vitamin B6, and non-drug therapy can be done by giving lemon aromatherapy. to overcome the symptoms of nausea and vomiting, Objective: to determine how lemon aromatherapy affects vomiting in first trimester pregnant women at TPMB N Bogor City. Methodology: this study used a quasi experiment with a pretest-posttest design with control. The population was from pregnant women who experienced vomiting during 1st trimester pregnancy at TPMB N Bogor City, conducted in July 2023. The sample was 26 people. The instrument used the pregnancy uniqiue quantification of emesis and nausea (PUQE) questionnaire. Results:The mean emesis score before lemon aromatherapy was 7.00, while&nbsp; after&nbsp; lemon aromatherapy the mean score was 0.00, for a mean difference of 7.00.and a p-value of 0.001. The average score of emesis gravidarum before being given vitamin B6 is 6.50 and the average score of emesis after taking vitamin B6 is 0.00 with a mean difference of 6.50 with a p-value of 0.002. Conclusion:There is a decrease in the score of emesis gravidarum given Lemon Aromatherapy in first trimester pregnant women in TPMB N Bogor City, but in the control group it is not as significant as in the intervention group.Suggestion: It is recommended that mothers who experience nausea and vomiting can use lemon aromatherapy as a way to reduce complaints of emesis gravidarum.</p> 2023-11-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Agni Saila Rizqiah agni, Sri Dinengsih, Rini Kundaryanti Effectiveness of Acupressure on Emesis Gravidarum in the First Trimester Pregnant Women 2024-03-13T01:53:02+00:00 Indah Elizabeth Indah Sri Dinengsih Rini Kundaryanti <p>Emesis gravidarum is nausea and vomiting that can cause dehydration and drastic weight loss that occurs in the first trimester of pregnancy. Acupressure on PC point 6 serves to control the function of the cerebral cortex through the nervous system that inhibits or reduces the nausea vomiting response. Objective: This study was to determine the effectiveness of acupressure on vomiting in first trimester pregnant women at the Karanggan Medika Clinic Gungung Putri Bogor in 2023. Research Methods: This study used a quasi-experiment design with pre test and post test design with control group. Sampling using purposive sampling technique with 28 respondents. The instrument used was Pregnancy-Unique Quantification of Emesis and Nausea (PUQE)-24 assessing the level of emesis gravidarum with scores ≤6 to ≥13. Results: Based on the results of non-parametric statistical analysis, namely by using the Mann Whitney test, the P-value is 0,001 (0,05) which means that there is a significant difference in first trimester pregnant women who are given the intervention with those who are not given the intervention. And the results of the Wilcoxon test P-value 0,001 (0,05), namely there is an effect of giving acupressure to emesis gravidarum in first trimester pregnant women at the Karanggan Medika Clinic Gunung Putri Bogor in 2023. Suggestion: It is expected for first trimester pregnant women who experience emesis gravidarum to apply acupressure as a therapy that can overcome nausea and vomiting during first trimester pregnancy.</p> 2023-11-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 indahelizabeth indah, Sri Dinengsih, Rini Kundaryanti Effect of Tamarind Turmeric Drink on Dysmenorrhea in Women of Reproductive Age 2023-12-13T06:09:14+00:00 Rizky Putri Amalia Rizky Sri Dinengsih Rini Kundaryanti <p>Women of childbearing age experiencing menstruation experience physical discomfort on the eve of or during menstruation including menstrual pain called dysmenorrhea that occurs during menstruation due to uterine muscle spasms. Drug treatments and supplements are commonly used to treat menstrual cramps. Turmeric and tamarind drink is a menstrual cramps treatment that is safe, easy to use and has no side effects. The active ingredients in turmeric function as antioxidants, anti-inflammatory, and pain relievers, while tamarind (tamarind) fruit contains antioxidants, anti-inflammatory drugs, antipyretics, and sedatives. Therefore, drinking tamarind turmeric water can reduce the severity of menstrual cramps. Objective: to determine the effect of giving tamarind turmeric drink on the incidence of dysminorrhea in women of childbearing age at TPMB "N" in 2023. Method: This study used a quasi-experimental design with a pre-test and post-test design, and the sampling technique was purposive sampling with a total sample size of 28 respondents... using the NRS scale. Using the NRS scale. The analysis used is the Wilcoxon and Mann Whitney Test. Research Results: There is an effect of giving tamarind turmeric drink on dysminorrhea in WUS with a p-value (0.001 &lt;0.05) Conclusion: Drinking tamarind and turmeric can reduce the severity of menstrual pain in women of childbearing age at TPMB N Year 2023. Suggestion: It is expected that WUS can utilize sour turmeric drink as an alternative treatment to reduce dysmenorrhea which can be consumed before menstruation or during menstruation</p> 2023-12-01T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Rizky Putri Amalia Rizky, Sri Dinengsih, Rini Kundaryanti The Effect of Moringa Leaf Powder (Moringa Oleifera) on Breast Milk Production in Post Partum Mothers 2023-12-13T05:40:15+00:00 Sri Dinengsih Maesaroh Agnestiani Rini Kundaryanti <p>Breast milk (ASI) is the main nutrition recommended for newborns. The main obstacle in breastfeeding is the difficulty of breastfeeding because it is not smooth / milk production is disrupted so that exclusive breastfeeding is not achieved, by consuming foods that contain lactogogum is one of the efforts to increase milk production and the success of exclusive breastfeeding. one type of lactogogum that is currently being utilized because this type of plant is easy to plant and easy to get in the family yard is Moringa leaves. Objective: To determine the effect of moringa leaf powder on breast milk production in postpartum mothers in the Serpong 1 South Tangerang Health Center Area in 2023 Methodology: This type of research is quantitative with experimental design. This study used a quacy experimental design with two non-equivalent pretest-posttest groups. Sampling in this study using purposive sampling technique which amounted to 34 respondents. The analysis used is the Wilcoxon and Mann Whitney Test. Research Results: There is an effect of using moringa leaf powder on increasing breast milk production (p value 0.001) in postpartum mothers. Conclusion: Moringa leaf powder can increase breast milk production in postpartum mothers at Serpong 1 Health Center, South Tangerang in 2023. Suggestion: It is expected that moringa leaf powder can be consumed by postpartum mothers to prepare for the breastfeeding period so that they can provide exclusive breastfeeding.</p> 2023-11-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Sri Dinengsih, Maesaroh Agnestiani, Rini Kundaryanti Knowledge of Couples of Reproductive Age with Inspeculo Asam Asetat Examination (IVA) 2024-03-13T01:52:57+00:00 Dwi Ertiana Wahyuni Wahyuni <p>Reproductive health is important for women, cervical cancer which often attacks women. It is a common phenomenon that women's awareness to check IVA screening is still low, this condition is caused by many women who still do not know about IVA screening. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between knowledge of couples of childbearing age and IVA examination at the Kedamean Health Center, Gresik Regency. The research design used correlational analysis using a cross-sectional approach. The independent variable of knowledge and the dependent variable of IVA examination is the sampling technique. Simple Random Sampling sample of 52 respondents from 60 couples of childbearing age, place at the Kedamean Health Center, Gresik Regency, May 9-19 2022. Questionnaire sheet instrument. Data analysis using the Spearman test. The results showed that half of the 26 respondents (50%) had good knowledge of IVA examination and the majority of 31 respondents (59.6%) had IVA examination criteria. The results of the analysis obtained a value of ρvalue = 0.000 &lt;α 0.05. This indicates that H1 is accepted, a relationship between the knowledge of couples of childbearing age and IVA examination at the Kedamean Health Center, Gresik Regency, with a value of (r) 0.739. Knowledge can underlie behavior change, as the IVA examination can be influenced by the mother's knowledge, the better the knowledge, the more willing the mother is to carry out the IVA examination.</p> 2023-12-18T04:32:47+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Dwi Ertiana, Wahyuni Wahyuni