Pre-Toddler Development Examination Screening (KPSP) at Posyandu Jatikalang Village, Prambon District, Sidoarjo Regency
Skrining Pra Pemeriksaan Perkembangan Balita (KPSP) Di Posyandu Desa Jatikalang Kecamatan Prambon Kabupaten Sidoarjo
Delay in the development of children under five occurs around 10% in children aged <5 years. The purpose of community service activities is to carry out checks on child development and assess child development using the Pre-Screening Questionnaire for Child Development. The method uses interviews and observations. The study population is all mothers who have children under five, the sample is all children aged <5 years who come to the posyandu. The results show that the age period of children 3 - 72 months, the majority of children aged 15 months are 11 children (14%), 6 months of age are 10 children (12.9%), 30 months of age are 9 children (11.6%), age 3 month totaling 8 children (10.3%). While children with appropriate development are 65 children (83%), development children are doubting 12 children (15.4%) and children with deviant development are 1 child (1.3%). Thus children who have doubts and deviant developments need to do counseling and stimulation interventions to improve children's optimal developmental abilities.
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